Monday, 19 September 2011

Music Video Analysis

The music video I am analysing is Funeral For a Friend, Roses for the Dead.

The camera in the video usually shows straightforward shots consisting of mainly medium shots and close ups, of the teenager walking through a city. From the various shots showing different people the teenager see's, you can tell that the teenager isn't liked and has little or no friends, as everyone shuns him. The camera turns focal points to a woman, who is going into what looks like her sons bedroom, just looking at things, as the video laters shows it is about teenage suicide, the teenager is walking through the city to jump off a building, but the video shows him visiting places where he went when he was younger, taking him back to a happy time, indicating that he isn't happy now. the shots with his mother do the same, she looks at her sons old possessions, and also remembering a time when he and she used to be happy.
This video dosen't really conform with other music videos of this genre, as usually you would see the band playing but the band have opted for a serious story to the video, not just flickering through shots of the different band members.
The images that are shown reflect the lyrics as the video is telling the story of a teenager committing suicide, with some of the lyrics being
"It's not your fault
You feel okay,
It's too late in the day
It's not your fault,
You feel betrayed,
And can't come out to play"
These words can be some of the feeling someone might feels when feeling s depressed and suicidal thus amplifying the lyrics through the use of the visuals. The tone of the music matches the visuals as the song isn't exactly a happy tune, connecting with the unhappy, thought provoking theme of the visuals.
Contrary to Andrew Goodwin's theory of music videos there is no meat shots lead singer of the band, however there is some close ups on the teenagers face and his mothers face, showing the seriousness of the video and the need for the band not be in it.
there is no voyeurism of females in the video, this is again contrary to Goodwin's music video theory as he states that women are objectified in music videos, whereas there is a women in the video she is not objectified, she is shown as a strong female individual.
the only intertextual reference in the video are posters in the teenagers room, the posters in the room are Funeral For a Friend album artwork posters, reminding the viewers that it is their video, and what album it is from so people may think to go out and buy it

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